jeudi 9 juin 2016

Elizabeth Warren comme colistière? Deux femmes pour "faire l'histoire"?

Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on mentionne le nom de Mme Warren, mais comme le moment du choix d'un colistier ou d'une colistière approche pour Hillary Clinton... Elizabeth Warren est assurément qualifiée, mais nos voisins du sud sont-ils prêts pour un duo de femmes à la tête du pays?

 "Warren has increasingly taken on an attack -dog role in the campaign, and she will formally endorse Clinton Thursday night in an MSNBC interview.

The Massachusetts senator, who was first elected in 2012 after creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under the Obama administration, has incessantly needled Donald Trump on Twitter.

This week in particular, Warren has stepped up her attacks against the presumptive GOP presidential nominee and has seemed, at times, to be auditioning for the VP role. She took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to chastise Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Republicans for blocking judicial nominees."

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