mercredi 22 juin 2016

Hillary Clinton et le "ticket" démocrate: plus que trois candidatures?

Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren et Julian Castro seraient les trois derniers choix de l'Équipe d'Hillary Clinton. Pour ma part je mise sur Julian Castro depuis le départ. Si Elizabeth Warren est assurément qualifiée, Tim Kaine a beaucoup d'expérience. Il constituerait cependant un choix plus "conservateur" à mes yeux. Je précise que si ces noms circulent beaucoup, une "surprise" est toujours possible.

 "Although some potential picks, including Labor Secretary Thomas Perez and House Democratic Caucus chairman, Rep. Xavier Becerra (Calif.), were not among the three people whose vetting Democrats confirmed was underway, that does not mean they might not be considered. Retired admiral Mike Mullen, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was also seen as a dark horse candidate. He had been previously vetted by longtime Clinton ally Harold Wolfson when former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg considered an independent bid for president."

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