mardi 14 juin 2016

Piratage informatique du réseau du Parti démocrate: les Russes ont-ils volé un dossier sur Donald Trump?

La recherche de renseignements est un "jeu" auquel on se livre régulièrement. Des pirates innformatiques du gouvernement de la Russie seraient parvenus à pénétrer le réseau du DNC.

 "Within 24 hours, CrowdStrike had installed software on the DNC’s computers so that it could analyze audit data that could indicate who had gained access, when and how.

The firm identified two separate hacker groups, both working for the Russian government, that had infiltrated the network, said Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrike co-founder and chief technology officer. The firm had analyzed other breaches by both groups over the last two years."

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