lundi 13 juin 2016

Fusillade d'Orlando: les Américains divisés...

Si l'indignation est la même partout, on ne s'entend pas sur les mesures à prendre ou sur les racines du problème.

 "It has always been true that the toughest issues are those that pit our values against our fears. And in this tragedy, as with so many before it, both parties are certain to seek political leverage.

Meanwhile, the country’s anxieties have been rekindled. “In one sense, all of this seems so far out of control, you just wonder if there’s any way of ever getting it under control,” said George Pettice, an insurance agent from Charlotte, N.C. “Do we now start locking ourselves up in our houses, afraid to go anywhere?”

Not since 9/11 has a moment like this brought the nation together, and that evaporated quickly. Since then, calamity seems only to drive the left and the right further apart, while faith in the nation’s institutions deteriorates further."

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