samedi 26 novembre 2016

Mort de Fidel Castro et réjouissances des exilés à Miami

Si on sentait une certaine retenue de plusieurs politiciens américains dont le Président Obama à l'annonce du décès de Fidel Castro, les exilés cubains qui habitent Miami ont manifesté leur joie pendant la journée.

 "Chanting “Free Cuba! Down with tyranny!” hundreds of people took to the streets of Little Havana on Saturday to celebrate the death of a man whose brutal dictatorship drove them or their parents from their native Cuba.

Fidel Castro was old and in failing health, but he was also a tyrant who prohibited free speech, jailed or killed political opponents and even abolished Christmas as a national holiday. So when his death was announced late Friday, those who fled Cuba for a better life in the United States saw cause for jubilation.

“It brought tears to my eyes,” said Jonathan Gomez, 39, a delivery driver who came from Cuba to Miami in the 1980 mass emigration known as the Mariel boatlift. “This would have been the happiest day of my dad’s life.”"

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