Trump a poussé l'art du mensonge à un niveau jamais atteint et il s'amuse à détourner l'attention des journalistes vers des bêtises comme nul autre. Comment peut-on le contrer? Les suggestions d'un auteur qui est sur le point de baisser les bras. Avouons que le phénomène est inquiétant tout de même, je ne prends pas position pour les Démocrates si je relève la sutpidé et la malhonnêteté des déclarations du nouveau Président, je fais simplement mon travail... À mes yeux la solution réside moins dans la couverture médiatique que dans les limites du jeu partisan. Une condamnation unanime de son attitude, à gauche comme à droite, constituerait un bon antidote.
"First, they could just report the whole disagreement as a he said/she said, which happens far too often and is obviously unacceptable. Second, they could do what many news outlets are doing now, which is to make the story, “Trump said this false thing.” That’s more accurate, but it can inadvertently spread the lie.
If we take as a given that journalists have to refute the president’s falsehoods, there’s one more judgment they can make, which is the choice for how much play they’re going to give the story. There’s no law saying that every tweet Donald Trump sends has to result in screaming headlines and lead that night’s news broadcast. “Trump makes false claim” can be a short item on page A14.
You can argue that the fact that the president-elect is calling into question the results of the election based on an insane conspiracy theory is, objectively speaking, big news, and therefore it must be covered as such. Perhaps. But that means that Trump is once again getting his way with the media. I wish I had a better answer for what could be done about it."
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