samedi 10 décembre 2016

La C.I.A. et le piratage russe: les Républicains devant un choix impossible...

Maintenant que la C.I.A. en arrive à la conclusion que le piratage informatique russe visait à nuire à Hillary Clinton pour aider Donald Trump à l'emporter, comment les élus républicains du Congrès vont-ils réagir? Lorsqu'on observe à quel point les résultats sont serrés dans plusieurs états et que la marge de Trump est de moins de 1%, la question est légitime.

 "But for congressional Republicans, the evidence is increasingly getting to the point where they simply can’t ignore it, and some of them are feeling compelled to act — in a way that Trump isn’t likely to embrace.

Compounding the dilemma for these Republicans is that many GOP and Trump voters are disinclined to think Russia meddled in the election. A poll released Friday by Democratic pollster Democracy Corps showed 55 percent of Trump voters and Republicans who didn’t vote for Trump say it’s probably true that stories alleging Russian interference in the election are conspiracy theories pushed by Clinton.

Many Republicans are undoubtedly concerned about this. But as long as Trump is holding fast to the idea that this is all made up in an effort to undermine him, this whole thing could reinforce the long-standing chasm within the GOP, with him and his base pitted against establishment Republicans who will (again) be made to look like they’re trying to take down their outsider president-elect. And you can bet that’ll be how Trump pitches it.

It all presents a possibly inauspicious start for the GOP Congress in the Trump era: a potential Trump vs. congressional-Republicans-battle over the same election that surprisingly installed him as president."

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