lundi 12 décembre 2016

Trump parviendra-t-il à imposer Rex Tillerson? Lutte au Congrès à prévoir.

Donald Trump brusque les choses depuis l'annonce de sa candidature et il fait peu de choses de manière traditionnelle. Il promettait d'ébranler Washington et il tient parole pour le meilleur et pour le pire. La nomination au poste de Secrétaire d'état de Rex Tillerson suscite la controverse. La nomination du PDG d'Exxon froisse surtout en raison de ses liens avec la Russie.

 "Tillerson has over the years negotiated business deals with Russia and was awarded the “Order of Friendship” by President Vladimir Putin in 2012. As he has emerged as Trump’s likely pick, senators have voiced varying levels of concern about the executive's warm relationship with the Kremlin.

“Being a ‘friend of Vladimir’ is not an attribute I am hoping for from a #SecretaryofState,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tweeted Sunday.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Monday also expressed skepticism. “When he gets the friendship award from a butcher, frankly, it’s an issue that I think needs to be examined,” he said on Fox News, while cautioning “that does not mean we should prejudge Mr. Tillerson.”"

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