samedi 21 octobre 2017

Agressions sexuelles: l'épidémie américaine

Le scandale impliquant Harvey Weinstein n'ébranle pas que le divertissement à Hollywood, le milieu des affaires est sérieusement affecté. Assistera-t-on à la même déferlante au Québec?

 "The sheer number of high-profile allegations in recent days is dizzying. On Thursday alone, BuzzFeed reported the suspension of Scott Courtney, an executive vice president at the Service Employees International Union who helped lead the Fight for $15 campaign, after staffers complained about sexual abuse, harassment, and alleged that he had inappropriate relationships with subordinates. On the same day, Vox announced that it had fired Lockhart Steele, the company’s editorial director over accusations of sexual harassment. And Nickelodeon fired a showrunner, Chris Savino, amid similar accusations. VICE announced it would no longer work with the writer Sam Kriss, who has also written for The Atlantic, after a woman accused him of sexual misconduct via a Facebook post. Kriss posted a public apology soon after the accusation. Earlier this week, Roy Price, the head of Amazon studios, resigned after a producer said that Price had sexually harassed her. Three women have come forward to accuse the well-known tech blogger and author, Robert Scoble, of harassment. And just a few weeks ago Science magazine published allegations that David Marchant, an Antarctica geologist had sexually harassed several female colleagues."

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