dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Échouer "Donald Trump 101": le rôle des universités

Mêmes des leaders des universités américaines ont été ébranlés par l'étonnante victoire de Donald Trump en 2016. Cette victoire fait ressortir les différences entre les Américains et plusieurs s'interrogent sur le rôle de universités dans un pays où on a sous-estimé l'impact de la pensée conservatrice. Frank Bruni croit que plusieurs ont mal géré la situation en éducation supérieure.

 Public schools like U.N.C. have an additional incentive to accommodate a full range of viewpoints. “If colleges are seen as disconnected,” Jaschik noted, “why would Joe Taxpayer in Raleigh care about what happens in Chapel Hill?” Indeed, some state universities have already felt the sting of conservative lawmakers’ disapproval, and a Pew Research Center poll in June showed that a significant majority of Republicans and conservative-leaning independents now believe that colleges have a negative impact on America.

I don’t agree, and I’m not suggesting that colleges normalize Trump, validate everyone who backed him or make room for the viciously bigoted sentiments he often stoked. But there’s inquisitive, constructive territory short of that.

And colleges should be places where we learn to persuade people not to take paths that we consider dangerous instead of simply gaping and yelling at them. That requires putting them and their ideas into the mix. Too many schools are flunking that assignment."


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