lundi 16 octobre 2017

Le Museum of the Bible ouvre ses portes à Washington

Je me promets bien de m'y rendre lors de mon prochain passage dans la capitale américaine. Déjà il y a une petite controverse autour des objectifs poursuivis par la famille Green qui a financé le projet. Comment a-t-on effectué les choix de ce qu'on y présente? Pourquoi exclure certaines thématiques? Le projet a bien évolué depuis les premières réflexions. Ma curiosité est piquée.

 "This isn’t the evangelism that the billionaire Green family first promised a decade ago when they set out to build a museum dedicated to Scripture. At the time, the museum’s mission statement promised to “bring to life the living word of God . . . to inspire confidence in the absolute authority” of the Bible, the book at the institution’s center.

"The approach today, while still viewed with skepticism by some scholars, appears to be more modest: “The museum has fence posts — limits. It doesn’t overtly say the Bible is good — that the Bible is true,” said Steve Green, the Hobby Lobby chief executive and chair of the museum. “That’s not its role. Its role is to present facts and let people make their own decisions.”

 Much has changed in the years since the Greens began building the museum. Their company became a byword not just for craft supplies but also for a battle in the Supreme Court against all forms of mandatory contraception coverage for employees. The family’s lightning-fast acquisition of troves of historic artifacts wound up in federal court, landing them a $3 million fine for trafficking in thousands of smuggled goods. And Washington changed, too — from a capital where white evangelical Christians felt they were under attack to one where the man they voted for in overwhelming numbers, President Trump, is shaking up the halls of power just blocks from the new museum."

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