vendredi 5 janvier 2018

Opération Mangouste: retour sur le rôle d'Edward Lansdale, le "James Bond américain"

Les relations entre les États-Unis et Cuba furent particulièrement tumultueuses après la révolution cubaine et les tentatives américaines pour déstabiliser le régime se sont multipliées. "The Atlantic" braquait ce matin les projecteurs sur le rôle d'Edward Lansdale.

 "Lansdale received a thankless assignment at the end of 1961: to overthrow Fidel Castro, the bearded young revolutionary who in 1959 had had seized power in Havana. The Kennedy administration initially had tried to topple Castro, who was seen as a communist threat in America’s “backyard,” by backing a CIA-organized invasion of exiles at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. That had turned into a fiasco. Now the Kennedys were hell-bent on getting rid of Castro any way they could, and they saw Lansdale as just the man for the job. His lack of experience with Cuba was seen as a recommendation: He was not tainted by the Bay of Pigs operation, which he had opposed."

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