mercredi 24 janvier 2018

Trump slump: tourisme à la baisse aux États-Unis depuis l'élection de Donald Trump

On semble ici identifier l'élection de Donald Trump comme étant la principale cause de cette situation, la baisse est importante et elle entraîne des pertes de revenus et des pertes d'emplois.

 "The downturn has also caused America to lose its spot as the world's second-most popular destination for foreign travel, ceding to Spain. (France is in first place).

International tourism to the U.S. began to wane after Trump took office, leading to a so-called Trump slump. Experts say that Trump's proposed travel bans and anti-immigration language have had a negative impact on the U.S.'s attraction for foreign visitors, in addition to a weaker dollar and heightened security measures.

“It’s not a reach to say the rhetoric and policies of this administration are affecting sentiment around the world, creating antipathy toward the U.S. and affecting travel behavior,” Adam Sacks, the president of Tourism Economics, told The New York Times."

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