mardi 23 janvier 2018

Robert Mueller souhaite interroger Donald Trump bientôt

Un peu plus tôt aujourd'hui nous apprenions que Jeff Sessions a déjà répondu aux questions du Procureur spécial. Cette fois le Washington Post avance que ce sera sous peu au tour du Président. Va-t-il accepter de collaborer?

 "Sitting presidents have been interviewed by prosecutors in the past, though courts have urged government investigators to seek such interviews only when they cannot obtain relevant information another way. In 1998, President Bill Clinton testified for more than four hours before a grand jury via a video link after being subpoenaed by independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr.

Within the past two weeks, the special counsel’s office has indicated to the White House that the central subjects investigators wish to discuss with the president are the departures of Flynn and Comey and the events surrounding their firings.

Mueller has also expressed interest in Trump’s efforts to remove Sessions as attorney general or pressure him into quitting, according to a person familiar with the probe. The person said the special counsel was seeking to determine whether there was a “pattern” of behavior by the president."

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