dimanche 3 juin 2018

Politique étrangère américaine: pire que vous le pensiez

Dans les pages de "The Atlantic" James Fallows utilise les échanges avec ses lecteurs pour préciser sa pensée sur la politique étrangère américaine. Il expose particulièrement bien les risques de plusieurs orientations. Juste comme ça, je me demande parfois ce que Vladimir Poutine pense de tout ça...

 "I have no doubt that the trade war with China, however stupid and dangerous it is, is not as significant as the unprecedented—at least in the post 1945 world—breach with Europe that Trump has precipitated, one that by no coincidence perfectly dovetails with the desires of the Kremlin.

Make no mistake about it: Trump's dangerous moves could very well bring down NATO, fracture the EU, and leave the US alone against two hostile powers (China and Russia), while our biggest force multiplier and a regional bloc which shared liberal democratic values with us, has been irrevocably alienated and possibly destroyed."


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