samedi 11 août 2018

Johnny Manziel selon le New York Times

Alors que les amateurs de football canadiens surveillent les premiers matchs de Johnny football à la tête de l'attaque montréalaise, le New York Times s'intéresse au sort de celui qui laisse un bien mauvais souvenir aux amateurs de football américains. Un regard extérieur sur la nouvelle vie de celui sur qui les Alouettes de Montréal misent beaucoup pour relancer la concession.

 "Now, with a skeptical world watching, Manziel professed a desire to succeed in Montreal, where, for now, he enjoys relative anonymity. He said that he was ecstatic to take over the familiar reins of being a starting quarterback again and that he appreciated that the Alouettes were even monitoring his daily routines away from the field.

A triumphant return to the N.F.L. is the ultimate goal, of course, but Sherman said Manziel could not succeed if he had one foot in Canada and the other in the United States, angling for a quick comeback. For now, Manziel said, he is happy with the quiet life he is living in his hotel residence, playing the video game Fortnite, splurging on the occasional Five Guys hamburger and taking the subway to work at Olympic Stadium."

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