samedi 11 août 2018

Les nationalistes blancs sont les gagnants (Adam Serwer, The Atlantic)

Un an après les tristes incidents de Charlottesville, de nombreux journalistes et analystes écrivent aujourd'hui sur l'évolution de la question raciale aux États-Unis. Serwer n'offre rien de bien rassurant ce matin.

 "A year after white nationalists in Charlottesville chanted, “You will not replace us!” their message has been taken up and amplified by Fox News personalities. Tucker Carlson tells his audience that “Latin American countries are changing election outcomes here by forcing demographic change on this country.” Laura Ingraham says that “the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore” because of “massive demographic changes” as a result of “both illegal and sometimes legal immigration that progressives love.”

They echo the white-nationalist claim that America is at risk because the nation is growing more diverse, an argument that treats the mere presence of nonwhite people, citizen or noncitizen, as an existential threat to the country. White nationalists like Cantwell are cheered to hear their beliefs championed on Fox. Cantwell wrote last year that Carlson “is basically telling white America to prepare for war as directly as he can get away with while remaining on Fox News.”"

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