mardi 21 août 2018

Les États-Unis déportent un ancien garde nazi de 95 ans

La fin d'une longue saga entourant le dossier de celui qu'on croit être le dernier criminel de guerre nazi sur le sol américain.

 "The former guard, Jakiw Palij, is believed to have been the last surviving Nazi war crimes suspect living in the United States. First tracked down there by investigators in 1993, he was stripped of his American citizenship 10 years later when a federal judge found Mr. Palij had falsely claimed in his immigration papers that he had worked on his father’s farm in Poland and at a German factory during the period when he was actually serving the Nazis.

 In 2004, a federal immigration judge ordered that Mr. Palij be deported. But for years, no country would accept him.%% Germany had long refused to do so because Mr. Palij, who was born in what was Poland at the time and is now part of Ukraine, is not actually German. Poland and Ukraine refused to take him, saying he was Germany’s responsibility. On Tuesday, the German foreign minister, Heiko Maas, acknowledged as much."

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