mardi 22 mars 2011

Démente la politique étrangère américaine? La position de Caroline Glick du Jerusalem Post.

Je ne partage pas l'avis de l'auteure, mais sa "démonstration" est très intéressante. La situation actuelle est exceptionnelle et les décisions de l'administration Obama vont en ce sens. Est-ce logique "historiquement"? Qu'est-ce qui est logique actuellement?

Un extrait:

"Traditionally, states have crafted their foreign policy to expand their wealth and bolster their national security. In this context, US foreign policy in the Middle East has traditionally been directed towards advancing three goals: Guaranteeing the free flow of inexpensive petroleum products from the Middle East to global market; strengthening regimes and governments that are in a position to advance this core US goal at the expense of US enemies; and fighting against regional forces like the pan-Arabists and the jihadists that advance a political program inherently hostile to US power."

Pour la remise en question de la politique américaine:

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