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The United States and the international community "are slowly tightening the noose on Qaddafi," President Obama said in a news conference today.
Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi is engaged in fierce fighting with rebel forces trying to oust the strongman, which grew out of a wave of unrest that has hit North Africa and the Middle East. However, large financial seizures, sanctions and an arms embargo have left Qaddafi "more and more isolated internationally," the president said.
"It is in the United States' interest and the interest of people in Libya that Qaddafi leave," Mr. Obama said. "We're going to take a wide range of actions to try to bring about that outcome... And as I've said before, when it comes to U.S. military actions, whether it's a no-fly zone or other options, you've got to balance costs versus benefits. And, you know, I don't take those decisions lightly."
While Qaddafi is becoming more isolated, he is digging in, taking back territory from the rebel forces in Ras Lanuf and other areas with superior military force. "The plan is to squash the rebels with no mercy," his son Saif Qaddafi told CBS News.
When asked by CBS News White House correspondent Chip Reid whether the U.S. had a moral obligation to intervene in Libya, Mr. Obama said, "I continue to believe that not only the United States but the international community has an obligation to do what it can to prevent a repeat of something like what occurred in the Balkans in the '90s; what occurred in Rwanda."
One option is 24-hour surveillance, which would provide an alert system to detect if civilian massacres by Qaddafi forces, the president said.
"Obviously, we're going to have to look at what develops on the ground on a case-by-case basis," he said. "It's going to require some judgment calls, and those are difficult ones."
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