mardi 8 mars 2011

Libye: crise humanitaire?

Selon l'ONU, près d'un millions d'hommes et de femmes auraient besoin d'une aide d'urgence...

Sur le site du Huffington post...

"Up to 1 million foreign workers and others trapped in Libya are expected to need emergency aid because of fighting in the North African nation, aid officials said Monday as they sought $160 million to deal with the crisis.

U.N. officials say that amount is only for the next three months – and they expect the crisis to go on longer than that. The U.N. is also effectively frozen out of sections controlled by leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces and is only seeking humanitarian aid for opposition-controlled areas.

"This appeal is based on a planning scenario projecting up to 400,000 people leaving Libya – including the 200,000 who have left to date – and another 600,000 people inside Libya expected to need humanitarian aid," said Valerie Amos, the U.N.'s humanitarian and emergency coordination chief."

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