Petite leçon aux candidats républicains sur le site de Business Insider.
But the larger story of the 2012 GOP presidential campaign is how detached the candidates are from some fairly core beliefs of the early state electorates. Not one GOP presidential candidate, for instance, is distancing himself or herself (or the Republican Party they seek to lead) from the banks. Fealty to the bank agenda (which, through the eyes of an increasingly large number of GOP primary voters is thought of as "privatization of gains, socialization of losses") is just about the last place on political earth that any GOP candidate would want to be right now. But not one GOP presidential candidate has said one critical word about the banking industry, the shadow banking industry or the financial services industry in general. GOP primary voters and caucus attenders are dying to hear someone address how to put the financial services industry back in its cage. None of the candidates wants to talk about it.
The GOP candidates are, to a person, silent on another monster issue out there, which is this: voters want to hear someone proclaim the end of the United States being in the nation-building business. They want to hear that the US will draw down from Afghanistan and Iraq faster, and that the next time we go to war we proceed on strictly Jacksonian terms. And they want to also hear that that the US will approach all foreign policy and national security matters with a realism that would make former Secretary of State James Baker look squishy. The neo-conservative foreign policy agenda is dead. Voters want to make sure that all the candidates understand that.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-win-the-2012-gop-presidential-nomination-2011-3#ixzz1GCVY1qog
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