dimanche 13 mars 2011

Pour ceux et celles qui souhaitent étudier dans les universités américaines.

Bel article (et accessoirement un livre) sur le parcours du combattant d'un père qui souhaite inscrire ses enfants à l'université. J'ai eu une bonne pensée, et toujours autant de respect, pour Ariane qui étudie présentement à Harvard!

Bonne lecture!

There's nothing hilarious about the demeaning college admissions cattle call that rotating high school students and their parents endure annually. If your son or daughter is hoping to attend a college or university, whether it's a public or state institution, merely expensive or downright exorbitant, the odyssey from notional thoughts about higher education to a ridiculous amount of standardized testing to plumping up an attractive resume to the actual applications and then, finally, receiving either acceptance or rejection letters is brutal. It creates a low (and then high) level of household tension, and the indignities visited upon both teenagers and parents are many.

Pour la suite: http://www.splicetoday.com/on-campus/the-ongoing-nightmare-of-college-admissions

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