jeudi 3 mars 2011

South Dakota Senate Passes Bill Requiring 72 Hour Wait Before Abortion

On ne peut retirer le droit à l'avortement, mais on peut le processus beaucoup plus difficile. C'est la stratégie à laquelle on s'en remet de plus en plus dans les mouvements qui prônent le "droit à la vie". Cette fois c'est au Dakota du sud. Je vous laisse juger du bien-fondé de ce projet de loi...

The South Dakota Senate voted Wednesday to require women to wait 72 hours before they can have abortions and to submit to counseling about why they shouldn't go through with the procedures.

The state Senate voted 21-13 in favor of the legislation, sending it to Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard for approval. Daugaard, who generally opposes abortion rights, declined to tell The Associated Press if he intends to sign the bill.

"I haven't looked at it," he said, adding that he had not studied the bill earlier because of the possibility it could be amended.

About half the states, including South Dakota, make women wait 24 hours before going through with an abortion. But the 72-hour wait would be the longest in the nation, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights.

Under the new guidelines, a woman would have to undergo counseling at one of several state-approved "pregnancy help centers," all of which seek to persuade women not to have abortions. No other state has such a requirement, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota.

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