mardi 1 mars 2011

U.S. Moves Military Assets Near Libya, Calls Qaddafi Delusional

On durcit encore le ton...

"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the Pentagon is repositioning military units near Libya for possible use in a humanitarian relief effort, while the U.S. Treasury announced the freeze of $30 billion in assets of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, his family or the Libyan government.

In the strongest rhetoric so far against Qaddafi from the Obama administration, Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called the Libyan leader “delusional.” Qaddafi insisted in a television interview yesterday that “my people love me” and pledged to stay in power, while suggesting the U.S. wants to occupy Libya.

“When he can laugh in talking to American and international journalists while he is slaughtering his own people, it only underscores how unfit he is to lead and how disconnected he is from reality,” Rice told reporters at the White House yesterday. Qaddafi’s attitude to the bloody crackdown on his people highlights the necessity of U.S., European and United Nations sanctions that have been imposed on Libya in recent days, she said."

La suite sur Bloomberg:

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