Voilà que le Tea party s'intéresse à l'éducation et rappelle aux enseignants qu'ils doivent faire étudier la Constitution dans la semaine du 17 septembre (moment de la signature du document). Jusque là, qui s'opposerait... Le plus troublant est la source de l'enseignement:
"The Tea Party Patriots, Georgia-based but claiming 1,000 chapters nationally, are instructing members to remind teachers that a 2004 federal law requires public schools to teach Constitution lessons the week of Sept. 17, commemorating the day the document was signed. And they'd like the teachers to use material from the Malta, Idaho-based National Center for Constitutional Studies, which promotes the Constitution as a divinely-inspired document.
The center's founder, W. Cleon Skousen, once called Jamestown's original settlers communists, wrote end-of-days prophecy and suggested Russians stole Sputnik from the United States. In 1987, one of his books was criticized for suggesting American slave children were freer than white non-slaves."
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