L'arrivée de Sarah Palin en moto aujourd'hui pour un rassemblements de motards m'a fait pensé à la chanson Mustang Sally. Allez, tous en coeur: "Ride Sarah ride". Topo du site politico et vidéo d'une interprétation de Mustangs Sally par les Commitments.
"Palin's arrival kicked off the Tea Party favorite's bus tour up the northeastern coast. It also overwhelmed Rolling Thunder's security capabilities and strained organizers' patience as photographers, journalists and admirers swarmed the former Alaska governor after she hopped off the back of a black bike in the parking lot of the Pentagon.
There were few details about the tour available, and Palin herself seemed to be winging it.
"So what's the plan here?" she said after hopping off the bike driven by a female rider.
West for one said that the talk should focus on vets and not Palin.
"I don't think any talk about Palin coming here is right here, the talk is about Memorial Day, the talk is about like I said those people who have given that ultimate sacrifice," West said.
"After you served 22 years in the United States Army, what brings me out today is there are people here that I served with, there are people here who served with my older brother in Vietnam," West, who rented a bike because getting his own up from Florida was too much trouble, told TPM. "And this is the right thing, for us to always remember those who had given their lives in the ultimate sacrifice and to never forget our POWs and MIAs."
Some were upset by the way Palin showed up.
"I'm very not appreciative of the way she came in here," Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder's national legislative director, told Rachel Weiner of the Washington Post. "If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back." (Palin, instead, came in the front of the Pentagon's north parking lot, where event staff and press had gathered.)"
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