Celui qui mènera la "charge" contre DSK apprenait une mauvaise nouvelle récemment: l'acquittement de deux policiers accusés de viol. Dss compariasons avec l'affaire DSK?
"There was no question that Mr. Vance — just 17 months into his term of office, after taking over from Mr. Morgenthau — had a professional investment in the case, the highest-profile trial his office has handled since he was sworn in.
And there is also no doubt that the jury’s decision on Thursday to acquit the two of all but misdemeanor official-misconduct charges was a blow to Mr. Vance at an acutely sensitive time, as he takes on a case that will bring even more scrutiny and a kind of international media attention he has never experienced: the charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is accused of raping a hotel housekeeper.
“It is a huge loss,” said Matthew Galluzzo, a criminal defense lawyer who worked in the Manhattan district attorney’s sex-crimes unit for three years, until 2008.
After the verdict, prosecutors left the courtroom through a back exit, avoiding waiting reporters. And Mr. Vance’s aides moved aggressively to combat the impression that they had suffered a major setback, issuing a statement that ignored the officers’ acquittal on rape charges and trumpeting the far-less-serious misdemeanor convictions.
Mr. Vance’s subordinates realize that comparisons between the case against the police officers and that of Mr. Strauss-Kahn are inevitable. But there are clear differences between the two: In the police officers’ case, the woman whose apartment the officers visited testified that that she was drunk, and blacked out for parts of the night. There was also no DNA evidence implicating the officers who were charged with rape."
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