Très beau topo dans le NY Times
"Ominous messages stenciled on the walls signaled the tension: “Caution: No warning shots will be fired.” Two guards mind the 200 prisoners, while another, known as a gunner, watches from up high, ready to intervene at any moment.
It would be hard to call the cavernous cell anything but crowded. Still, there are fewer people in it than there were just a few months ago, when triple bunk beds lined the wall. Now, those have been converted to hold just two inmates.
“That helped,” said Michael Collins, a 49-year-old inmate who sits a few feet from a dank corner converted into a group of metal toilets and open shower stalls. “We have less people using the bathroom now. If you just mind your business and stay in your bed, it’s O.K.”
But according to a Supreme Court ruling issued Monday, California — which has the highest overcrowding rate of any prison system in the country — must eliminate rooms like this at its facilities across the state, shedding some 30,000 prisoners over the next two years."
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