C'est l'avis de Steve Huntley dans le Chicago Sun-Times. Il est vrai que les démocrates devaient souhaiter que des candidats comme Trump s'accrochent encore un peu...
"Yet, if these are the worst of times for the GOP, then its fortunes have no place to go but up. In fact, one could argue the rebound has started. The flash-in-the-pan, ego-driven “Saturday Night Live” skit that was Donald Trump’s faux campaign drained the birther nonsense from the public stage. Newt Gingrich did the party a favor by imploding in the first week of his candidacy. Libertarian idol Ron Paul has taken the plunge again but is in danger of becoming the next Harold Stassen.
The spotlight is shifting to former governors with records of coping at the state level with fiscal issues not unlike those threatening the nation’s long-term economic health.
Tim Pawlenty, who declared his candidacy this week, won two terms in blue state Minnesota and earned plaudits for wrestling with a Democratic legislature to cut spending, lower taxes and achieve education and health-care reforms. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney raised a dazzling $10 million in one day, demonstrating that Obama is not the only one with fund-raising prowess. Jon Huntsman, the former governor of Utah, is a fresh face in national politics who impresses many voters with his gravitas in discussing the key issues of the day.
And there’s still time for other candidates to jump in if GOP voters continue to register dissatisfaction with their choices. High on the list is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a YouTube sensation thanks to his willingness to confront public employee unions demanding a gold credit card from the taxpayers. The conservative commentariat sees U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as a leader on fiscal issues who can explain in plain language the entitlement iceberg facing the nation while Democrats recklessly steer the Titanic ship of state full steam ahead. Christie and Ryan thus far are firmly resisting a draft, but who knows what may happen in this unpredictable political season?"
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