vendredi 27 janvier 2012

Ascension de Newt Gingrich: les républicains de la Chambre sont nerveux

Pour ne rien vous cacher, je serais nerveux également... Gingrich est intelligent et il connaît bien la politique américaine, mais son passé est trop lourd et sa personnalité trop controversée.

 "To some of them, he’s a disaster in the making, a potentially combustible nominee who could, in a worst case scenario, cost the GOP its newly minted majority. The concern is serious enough, one freshman Republican told POLITICO, that on the bus ride back from the House GOP retreat in Baltimore last week, Gingrich’s electability was the prime subject of discussion among nearly a dozen members — many of them first-termers.

Several conservative female lawmakers “recoiled” at the thought of Gingrich at the top of the ticket, according to the Republican. A key concern expressed in the conversation was whether Gingrich would appeal to suburbanites — a demographic critical to the reelection hopes of many GOP House members. “When I saw the reaction from conservative women, it scared me,” said the freshman who, like several other members interviewed for this story, spoke only on the condition of anonymity. “He needs to let us know how he’s going to appeal to suburban independents if he’s the nominee.”"

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