lundi 23 janvier 2012

Parti républicain: trop tard pour un "candidat surprise"!

Le temps file rapidement et il semble que les républicains n'auront d'autres choix que les quatre candidats encore dans la course.

 "Thus, for a Republican hero to ride in on a white horse, it would take a scenario that verges on political science fiction: A combination of write-in voting where applicable — and for Romney to fully drop out and endorse this new savior candidate, to essentially bequeath his place on the ballot by telling his pledged delegates elected in this manner to go along with it.

 Simply put, such a scenario would be practically impossible to actually pull off. For one thing, would Romney ever actually do it? And even if he did, primary voters might just back Newt instead, when faced with such a maneuver by a desperate political establishment."

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