lundi 30 janvier 2012

Ritalin: de véritables effets à long terme?

L'image représente le modèle moléculaire du Ritalin.

On discute souvent du recours au ritalin pour aider certains enfants. Aux États-Unis, trois millions de jeunes américains en consomment pour surmonter leur déficit d'attention. Un article sur les résultats et les effets à long terme de ce médicament.

"But are these drugs really helping children? Should we really keep expanding the number of prescriptions filled?

 In 30 years there has been a twentyfold increase in the consumption of drugs for attention-deficit disorder.

 As a psychologist who has been studying the development of troubled children for more than 40 years, I believe we should be asking why we rely so heavily on these drugs.

Attention-deficit drugs increase concentration in the short term, which is why they work so well for college students cramming for exams. But when given to children over long periods of time, they neither improve school achievement nor reduce behavior problems. The drugs can also have serious side effects, including stunting growth.

Sadly, few physicians and parents seem to be aware of what we have been learning about the lack of effectiveness of these drugs.

What gets publicized are short-term results and studies on brain differences among children. Indeed, there are a number of incontrovertible facts that seem at first glance to support medication. It is because of this partial foundation in reality that the problem with the current approach to treating children has been so difficult to see."

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