mardi 31 janvier 2012

iPhone: acheter sans culpabiliser?

Hum... Nous possédons un iPod touch à la maison. Pratique, agréable, convivial et performant. D'un autre côté, les retombées d'un article du NY Times sur les conditions de travail des employés chinois ne peuvent être négligées. Comment les acheteurs vont-ils réagir aux révélations? Jusqu'à maintenant on se contente de dénoncer... Et on ahète!

 "Let's start with why people keep snapping up Apple's iPhones and iPads by the millions each week in the first place.

When it comes to smartphones and tablets, Apple still makes the best there are. With the iPhone and the iPad, the company set a new standard that other tech giants such as Google and Microsoft are still struggling to imitate. Apple can't make them fast enough. On launch days, people queue up in massive lines so they can be one of the first to get a new iPhone or iPad.

 Even if consumers do know about what it took to make their new gadget, as many likely do thanks to the widespread reports on working conditions overseas, it's obviously not enough to keep them from getting caught up in the fervor of an Apple product launch.

 I can't see that ending just because of a new story in The New York Times or a proposed boycott.

 But it's not just about the massive popularity of Apple's gadgets that keep people buying. It's the price.

  The latest and greatest iPhone model, the 4S, costs $199. iPads start at $499. One of the biggest reasons Apple can sell its stuff at such low prices is because they're produced on the cheap in China, sometimes by sacrificing good working conditions to make it happen. (If you believe the reports.)

 Those cheap production costs are why a lot of the anger comes from the fact that Apple is a massively profitable company. Right now it has almost $100 billion sitting in the bank. It could use some of that cash to put more pressure on Foxconn and others to improve working conditions overseas."

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