samedi 11 août 2012

Paul Ryan comme candidat à la Vice-Présidence!

Ce sera donc Paul Ryan! Un choix lié à l'économie, principal angle d'attaque contre Obama, et un choix plus conservateur (plus à droite) pour combler ce que plusieurs considèrent comme une lacune de Romney. Je me demande cependant jusqu'où il peut permettre au clan républicain de prendre des votes à Obama.

 Ryan’s advantages are profound: he’s young, Rust Belt, Catholic, serious, and – his top advantage – he will bring excitement and purpose to a campaign that had been devoid of both. Many outside Republican strategists, however, are already fretting that the pick will likely turn out to be political malpractice—turning off independents and older voters, who depend especially on programs that are targeted by Ryan’s budget plan that would cut entitlements. For now, Romney’s bold move is a gamble that in its own way is as breathtaking as the ultimately self-defeating one John McCain made four years ago with Sarah Palin.

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