jeudi 25 octobre 2012

Obama et le vote des blancs: un problème?

Le premier Président noir serait dans l'obligation de convaincre 40% des voteurs blancs pour espérer un deuxième mandat. Article et reportages intéressants.

 "The nation's first black president could be in danger of becoming a "one-termer" if he can't convince enough white voters that he deserves another four years in the Oval Office.

 For weeks, he's hovered around 40% of white voter support - a level that Democratic presidential candidates have struggled with in the recent past and one that analysts believe Barack Obama must maintain in order to win. At the same time, he has to encourage minority voters to go to the polls and capture 80% of their support.

"Obama in 08 became the first presidential candidate ever to lose whites by double digits and win. And he could lose them by even more this time and still win. But he can't fall through the floor with them, and the polling shows him ... right at the water line of 40 percent that he'll need, maybe just below sometimes just above," said Ron Brownstein, the National Journal editorial director and CNN senior political analyst.

"The big qualification: he's running better among working class whites in the upper Midwest battlegrounds of Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio than anywhere else and that is his last line of defense in this very close election," he said.

 With 59% support among whites, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is hitting record numbers among that group. He is approaching a margin of support last seen by Republican Ronald Reagan in his 1984 re-election.

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