jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Présidentielle 2012: la lutte pour le vote des femmes

Je crois qu'on exagère la portée du sondage Gallup indiquant que l'électorat féminin glisserait progressivement vers le camp républicain pour appuyer Mitt Romney. Qu'il se trompe ou non, ce sondage permet à certains enjeux d'occuper une part plus importante de l'espace médiatique. Voici un extrait du New York Times de ce matin abordant la question:

 "But there was no mistaking the focus by the candidates on women. That focus has increased dramatically in the final weeks of the campaign, as the overall race has tightened nationally and in many of the most important battleground states. Mr. Obama has long maintained a double-digit lead among women in most surveys, helping him to overcome a deficit among men.

A Gallup poll this week suggested that Mr. Obama’s advantage had evaporated, though other surveys — and Mr. Obama’s top strategists — disputed that finding.

As the debate on Tuesday made clear, neither campaign is taking the support of women for granted. Mr. Obama, in particular, seemed eager to make the case for his policies — and to criticize Mr. Romney’s — after having been criticized by many high-profile women for not doing so in the debate two weeks ago in Denver.

The president went out of his way several times to mention Mr. Romney’s pledge to eliminate financing for Planned Parenthood. Mr. Obama argued that that would not only affect women’s health services but would be an economic burden on families during tough times.

 “Millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for not just contraceptive care,” Mr. Obama said. “They rely on it for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings. That’s a pocketbook issue for women and families all across the country.”

L'article au complet

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