mercredi 17 octobre 2012

Obama fired up!

Non, ce ne fut pas une victoire décisive. Mais Obama s'est relevé après un premier débat difficile et je considère qu'il est le gagnant de l'affrontement d'hier soir. D'abord parce qu'il devait montrer plus de combativité, mais également parce qu'il a bien confronté Romney à ses contradictions, mettant en lumière plusieurs de ses faiblesses. Même la modératrice de CNN a corrigé Romney sur un fait. La candidat républicain n'a pas fait un mauvais débat, son adversaire était simplement mieux préparé que la première fois.

 Voici une analyse sur le site de Talking Points Memo.

 "Mitt Romney was ready for President Obama to come out swinging after his barely-there performance in the last debate. He wasn’t ready enough. A focused and combative Obama kept Romney on the defensive from early on, accusing him of rigging his policies to favor the rich, trying to hide his conservative positions, and above all not telling the truth. Over and over, Obama responded to Romney’s answers with the same refrain: “It’s not true.” Romney surrogates acknowledged the shift, suggesting the contest was a narrower Romney victory, but that Obama favored “style” over “substance.” “I think [Romney] did very well because it’s not a style election,” Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) told TPM. “I think on style the president clearly brought a more enthusiastic performance, but … at the end of the day the substance is what’s really going to make a difference,” RNC spokesman Sean Spicer said. John Sununu called it an “even grade” for both debaters, saying the town hall style format made it harder for either to break out.

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