mardi 15 janvier 2013

Cuomo signe la nouvelle loi de l'état de New York sur les armes à feu!

Dommage, je n'ai pu avoir le "punch" avant ma chronique à Radio-Canada... Le Gouverneur Cuomo devait attendre le vote à la Chambre des représentants de son état avant d'apposer sa signature à cette loi sévère. Le Sénat avait voté hier soir. La "version Obama" demain...

 "Mr. Cuomo signed the bill less than an hour after the State Assembly approved the legislation on a 104-to-43 vote. The State Senate approved the measure, 43 to 18, on Monday night.

The expanded ban on assault weapons would broaden the definition of such weapons, banning semiautomatic pistols and rifles with detachable magazines and one military-style feature, as well as semiautomatic shotguns with one military-style feature. New Yorkers who already own such guns could keep them but would be required to register them with the state.

 The legislative package, which Mr. Cuomo on Monday said he believed would be “the most comprehensive package in the nation,” would also ban any gun magazine that can hold more than 7 rounds of ammunition — the current limit is 10 rounds. It would also require background checks of ammunition buyers and automated alerts to law enforcement agencies of high-volume purchases.

 The National Rifle Association issued a statement denouncing the measure, saying, “These gun control schemes have failed in the past and will have no impact on public safety and crime.”

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