mercredi 23 janvier 2013

Obama 2013: 1 million de personnes pour l'assermentation!

Même si le nombre est inférieur à celui de l'assermentation 2009, la foule était malgré tout une des plus nombreuses de toute l'histoire américaine. Nous y étions!

 "An inaugural official told reporters that "at least" 1 million people were on the National Mall for President Obama's swearing-in ceremony.

 If the figure is accurate, a crowd of around 1 million would put attendance at about 55 percent of the 2009 crowd. The city of Washington, D.C., estimated that 1.8 million people packed the Mall last time to watch Obama get sworn in for his first term.

 Washington, D.C.'s, Metro system reported that ridership was about 63 percent of 2009's record-shattering Inauguration Day.

 Still, a turnout of around 1 million would still put Obama's second inaugural in the top tier of Inauguration Day celebrations in terms of attendance.

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