mercredi 16 janvier 2013

Lance Armstrong pourrait encore s'enrichir

Sas révélations à Oprah lui coûteraient beaucoup? Oui, mais il pourrait également gagner beaucoup!

 ""Someone has clearly mapped out a strategy [which probably includes] a book deal, speaking fees, and appearance fees," said Marc Ganis, a sports marketing expert. "His days of making eight or maybe even seven figures are over, but he'll get by."

 Indeed, Armstrong will probably continue to earn a very comfortable living. "In two or three years, I could see him getting $50,000 to $100,000 to appear at an Ironman or triathlon event," said Ganis. Hosting a television show might also eventually be a possibility for Armstrong, who has hosted Saturday Night Live and the ESPN's Espy Awards in the past. And while Armstrong has distanced himself from his Livestrong cancer charity since last summer, he's arguably the nation's most famous cancer survivor and still has a great deal of credibility for his charity work -- he could find a role there once again.

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