mardi 17 décembre 2013

George Zimmerman le peintre: 100 000$ pour une de ses toiles?

Comment "créer" la valeur d'une "oeuvre"... Zimmerman est celui qui fut accusé, et acquitté, du meurtre de Trayvon Martin. Ses démêlées avec la justice sont bien documentées depuis l'acquittement.

George Zimmerman is selling a patriotic painting on eBay that has already amassed more than 90 bids, pushing the price of the painting to nearly $100,000.

Zimmerman's attorney Jayne Weintraub confirmed the artwork's authenticity when it was put up for auction on eBay. The auction began with a bid of $50, but soared to $99,966 after 98 bids as of 3 a.m. EST.

The signed, 18-by 24-inch painting features a blue American flag with a few words from the Pledge of Allegiance: "God," "one nation," "with liberty and justice for all."

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