dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Plus d'élèves, moins de profs: la logique comptable...

Si la récession pouvait justifier certaines coupures au sein du personnel des écoles, la situation économique a évolué, mais pas le nombre d'enseignants. Toujours faire plus avec moins? Aux États-Unis aussi le message officiel est qu'une bonne éducation est si importante...

 "Across the country, public schools employ about 250,000 fewer people than before the recession, according to figures from the Labor Department. Enrollment in public schools, meanwhile, has increased by more than 800,000 students. To maintain prerecession staffing ratios, public school employment should have actually grown by about 132,000 jobs in the past four years, in addition to replacing those that were lost, said Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington."


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