mardi 17 décembre 2013

Qu'est qu'un bon enseignant? Documentaire "The new republic"

 Une fois de plus un article intéressant sur la pédagogie et le rôle des enseignants. Un documentaire qui n'est pas dénué d'intérêt. Un documentaire qui présente l'intérieur d'une classe, mais qui se dirige aussi vers la vie des élèves à l'extérieur de l'école. Comment peut-on rejoindre nos élèves? Le documentaire connait une grande popularité au sein du corps professoral et on l'utilise maintenant dans la formation des enseignants.

 "Partly this is because it is the rare film that sympathetically conveys how hard it is to be a teacher in an inner-city school. “The New Public” not only shows what goes on in the classroom — which can be rough if the teacher can’t manage the classroom — but she also goes into the homes of the students she has focused on. There, the odds that the students are trying to overcome are made abundantly clear.

 But it is also because the movie is an unwitting primer on how to teach disadvantaged students. There are teachers in the movie who know how to connect with their students, and teachers who don’t. Teachers College at Columbia University liked the film so much that it is creating a companion curriculum, so the film can be used to help train teachers. Until Gunther’s movie came along, Teachers College used to show “The Wire” to give prospective teachers a feel for what it’s like to teach in a disadvantaged community.

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