jeudi 12 décembre 2013

Obamacre: état de la question et carte interactive

Maintenant qu'on semble avoir réglé l'essentiel des problèmes qui empêchaient les américains de s'inscrire sur le site de l'Affordable care act, peut-on affirmer que le programme se porte bien? Le site Talking Points Memo fournit une carte interactive qui permet de voir rapidement l'état de la situation dans les cinquante états.

 "One, there is wide disparity across states -- and a lot of that can be traced to's problems. California (107,087) has enrolled almost as many people in private coverage as the 36 states served by the federal site combined. Kentucky (13,145), which built its own site, has enrolled almost as many people as Texas (14,038), which relied on the feds.

 Two, enrollment is accelerating. The total for private coverage jumped from 106,000 in October to 365,000 in November. That was true for both (from 27,000 to 137,000) and the 15 state-based marketplaces (from 79,000 to 227,000).

 Three, enrollment in Medicaid (803,000) is outpacing enrollment in private coverage (365,000). Why is that? One popular guess is that getting enrolled in Medicaid doesn't require any extra work, while enrolling in private insurance requires an individual to shop for coverage, make a decision and, in many cases, spend money. The difference between the number of people who have completed an application to purchase a private plan (1.2 million) and those who have actually enrolled in a plan (365,000) suggests that might be true.

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