dimanche 15 décembre 2013

Robert Levinson n'a pas été abandonné (John Kerry)

J'ai raconté l'histoire de Robert Levinson sur ce blogue et lors de ma dernière entrevue à Radio-Canada. Levinson est cet ancien du FBI qui était sous contrat avec la CIA au moment de sa disparition il y a plusieurs années. Au-delà du scandale entourant le travail de Levinson pour l'agence (la CIA a longtemps nié avoir employé Levinson en Iran), on se demandait s'il n'avait été tout simplement abandonné par son pays. Voici ce que disait John Kerry à ce propos aujourd'hui:

 “There hasn't been progress in the sense that we don't have him back. But to suggest that we have abandoned him or anybody has abandoned him is simply incorrect and not helpful,” Kerry said. “I have personally raised the issue not only at the highest level that I have been involved with, but also through other intermediaries. So we don't have any meeting with anybody who has something to do with Iran or an approach to Iran where we don't talk to them about how we might be able to find not just Levinson, but we have two other Americans that we're deeply concerned about.”


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