jeudi 3 mars 2016

Débat républicain de ce soir: des candidats amochés pour affronter Trump

Les Rubio, Kasich et Cruz reçoivent une aide extérieure de la part du mouvement "Stop Trump", mais il est peut-être déjà trop tard.

 "But even as the anti-Trump groups begin to coordinate, some Republicans are throwing their hands in the air, convinced that a TV advertising campaign won’t succeed; Trump is already carrying a double-digit lead over Rubio in Florida, where thousands of voters will have cast absentee ballots before election day.

“The ‘Stop Trump’ campaign is now officially a fantasy, about as real as ‘the campaign to stop yesterday,’” said Alex Castellanos, a veteran Republican strategist who tried unsuccessfully to launch an anti-Trump group.

And if the money spent against Trump doesn’t move the numbers – and it hasn’t so far – then it will fall to the three candidates still standing to damage the real estate developer on the stump and in the final debates. Rubio, who has won only one state so far, might be under the most pressure at Thursday night’s forum; Ted Cruz is carrying more delegates into the debate and most Republicans don’t see John Kasich with a viable path anyway."

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