mercredi 2 mars 2016

Le Canada grand gagnant du Super tuesday!!

La Canada va-t-il accueillir de nombreux "réfugiés américains", le pays devient-il la "terre promise"? Bien intéressant ce petit topo du Washington Post!!! "How to move to Canada" a volé la vedette dans les entrées sur Google hier soir!!

 "According to Google trends, searches for “How to move to Canada” surged as Tuesday’s results came in. Simon Rogers, a data editor at Google, noted that the phrase’s search popularity had increased by 350 percent between 8 p.m. and midnight ET.

At midnight, the spike reached 1500 percent. To quote Trump himself, “Just look at the numbers, way up!”

The American people are looking for a solution. That solution now appears to be the Canadian immigration system."

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