lundi 7 mars 2016

Nancy Reagan meurt à 94 ans

Mme Reagan n'a pas été que la protectrice de son mari et de son héritage politique, elle a joué un rôle important au sein de l'administration.

 "Mrs. Reagan helped hire and fire the political consultants who ran her husband’s near-miss campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 1976 and his successful campaign for the presidency in 1980.

 She also played a seminal role in the 1987 ouster of the White House chief of staff, Donald T. Regan, whom she blamed for ineptness after it was disclosed that Mr. Reagan had secretly approved arms sales to Iran.

Behind the scenes, Mrs. Reagan was the prime mover in Mr. Reagan’s efforts to recover from the scandal, which was known as Iran-contra because some of the proceeds from the sale had been diverted to the contras opposing the leftist government of Nicaragua. While trying to persuade her stubborn husband to apologize for the arms deal, Mrs. Reagan brought political figures into the White House, among them the Democratic power broker Robert S. Strauss, to argue her case to the president."

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