vendredi 4 mars 2016

O.J. Simpson de retour dans l'actualité

Aurait-on enfin retrouvé l'arme du crime? Des policiers de Los Angeles enquêtent présentement sur un couteau retrouvé sur le terrain de l'ancienne propriété du célèbre footballeur. Simpson ne pourra cependant pas être jugé une nouvelle fois pour ce crime.

 "Police are examining what's been described as a knife said to have been found at the Los Angeles-area estate once owned by former football star O.J. Simpson, Los Angeles police Capt. Andy Neiman said Friday.

Police learned within the last month that a former Los Angeles police officer received the item from a construction worker who found it "back in the '90s," possibly when Simpson's former estate in Brentwood was being demolished, according to Neiman. It is being examined for forensics -- including DNA and hairs -- at a lab, he said.

Simpson was acquitted in the 1994 killings of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman."

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